![]() Born 1699, died Sep 1782, 82 or 83 years Married 1710 (approximately 47 years married) to: ![]() Born Oct 4, 1665, died estimated EST. WFT, 1723-1757, approximately 92 years, 1st marriage to: Marie Kapiouapnokoue, 2nd marriage to: Domitilde Oukabe Dit Neveu La Fourche Children: 1. ![]() Born 1712, died estimated EST. WFT, 1713-1802, approximately 90 years 2. ![]() Born 1716, died estimated EST. WFT, 1717-1810, approximately 94 years 3. ![]() Born 1718, died 1718, under 1 year old 4. ![]() Born 1720, died estimated EST. WFT, 1752-1814, approximately 94 years 5. ![]() Born 1722, died estimated EST. WFT, 1723-1812, approximately 90 years |
2nd marriage ![]() Married 1728 (48 or 49 years married) to: ![]() Born Sep 16, 1703, died 1777, 73 or 74 years Children: 1. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1719-1749, died estimated EST. WFT, 1725-1828, approximately 79 years 2. ![]() Born Feb 5, 1723/1724, died estimated EST. WFT, 1725-1818, approximately 95 years 3. ![]() Born Nov 14, 1725, died estimated EST. WFT, 1726-1815, approximately 90 years 4. ![]() Born May 9, 1729, died Jan 1800, 70 years He was a remarkable French half-breed of the West. His father AugustinMouet de Langlade was a scion of nobility from Guienne, and his mother(baptized Domitelle) was an Ottowa Indian, daughter and sister of thechiefs Nis-so-wa-quet or La Fourche. Charles, born in Mackinac, was theironly child, but by his mother's previous marriage to a trader namedVilleneuve, he had several half-brothers and sisters. He was educated bythe Jesuit priests of the post where he lived, wrote a good hand, and waseverywhere received as a gentleman. The first event of his careeroccurred when at the age of ten he accompanied his Indian uncles on a warexpedition down the Mississippi. Thither a considerable French army camefrom New Orleans, and built a post near Memphis and there passed a winterpreparing for a campaign against the rebellious Chickasaw. Young DeLanglade became enamoured of military life and learned of its detailsfrom French officers. Before 1750 he had enrolled as a cadet in thecolonial troops, in 1755 was ensign, and in 1760 lieutenant. His firstexpedition was that of 1752, when he drove the British traders from thepost of Pickawillany and killed the Miami chief "Old Britain." During all the French and Indian War, De Langlade was actively employedas a leader of the Indian auxiliaries; he was credited by hiscontemporaries with the victory over Braddock; he defeated Roger'sRangers in 1757 on Lake Champlain; he aided in the attack on Fort WilliamHenry; and served in the Quebec campaign of 1759. The next year he leftMontreal before its capitulation to Amherst, and brought to Mackinac thenews of the French downfall. Upon desertion of that post by thecommandant, De Langlade as second in command delivered it to the English,and soon thereafter transferred his allegiance and became a loyal Britishsubject. In Pontiac's conspiracy he was instrumental in saving the livesof several British soldiers; soon thereafter he removed his home to GreenBay, where he and his father had long had a trading post. there as thechief settler he became known as the "Father of Wisconsin". His servicesfor the British during the American Revolution were considerable; he hadthe rank of captain in the Indian department and sent Indian auxiliariesto Carleton and Burgoyne. In the West he parried the efforts of GeorgeRogers Clark, and opposed both American and Spanish partisans. The Kinggranted him lands in Canada for his services. In 1754 he was married atMackinac to Charlotte Bourassa and left numerous descendents chiefly inthe Grignon line. He lived at Green Bay in patriarchal fashion and theredied in the midst of his descendents and ...... Essentially military in his characteristics, known to the westerntribesmen as Akewaugeketauso, a soldier chief, he was in his home a kindand devoted father and master, was deeply loved by the Indians, andmaintained under three flags his integrity and honor. |